Will Covid-19 create “a generation of supersavers” in Malaysia?

As the current situation is very fluid, my opinion may be pre-mature and outdated in the matter of days. Nevertheless, here is what I think:
For simplicity sake, I categorise all Malaysians into 2 categories: The employers and the employees.
Personal Accident Insurance
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Insurance is always sold, not bought. How many of you really wake up one day and say, “Hey, today is a great day, lets buy insurance?” crickets…… Let’s face it, insurance is probably one of the last things in mind especially you have not met with any unfortunate event. When we were sold […]
8 ways to reduce your tax in 2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2019 is finally coming to an end and we are finally moving into the next decade! Before we go for the holidays and call it a day (year?), I think it would be timely to reflect and see if we have maximised our personal tax relief. Budget 2019 Budget 2019 is […]
How to make a Good Budget (5 Simple Rules)

A good budgeting habit is a great way to start your journey in financial planning. It is much easier than tracking your everyday expenses. Here’s some tips on creating a good budget.
How to Start Budgeting Your Money (3 ways)

How to start budgeting? If expense tracking is important, having a budget is arguably more important. The good news is, creating your first budget is very simple. It only takes 5 minutes. Read to learn more!
Getting FIT, Financially
We are no stranger to gyms and workouts, exercising to ensure that we are physically fit and healthy. But how many of us had taken a deep, real and truthful look at our financial health? Here are the basic steps to be financially FIT: 1. Keep track of your everyday expenses Before prescribing any medication, […]